This picture is just so fascinating to stare at because this deep hole in the rock off a rough stretch off the Oregon coastline in the US. When the waves crash in and fills up the area, it sprouts at least 20 feet in the air and then overflows before it sucks the water back and out to sea! LIKE IT'S DRAMATIC! It's a remote place located in Cape Perpetua and reached from a winding road in what feels like a middle of nowhere.
There are also huge aggressive waves just by the looks of the picture and the tides are probably pretty high as well. Thor's Well is around 6-8 feet from the edge. The surface's surge rock is very unique and it makes a great photo because of the water that rushes towards the center of the hole. I feel that it would make a great surfing trip but you might not make it back up to shore. It's a very dangerous place to visit because of the roaring waves and tides, but we have to thank the photographers for taking pictures of these fascinating places. No wonder people say this is like a trip to the under world.
Thor's Well can be visited from the north side of Cook's Chasm, but there are sharp rocks in the surrounding area and the danger of a strong surge sweeping in brave visitors are very possible. When photographers go to shoot pictures during the sunset, many people don't know about the place and don't dare to stay long. But photographers and tourists who do come to Thor's Well are risk takers and actually have the guts to come and see the amazing sight!
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