SPAIN. I've been wanting to go to Spain for the past 2 and a half years just because I've been in Spanish since freshman year and I've been doing great in the course and I thought to my self that it would be a great opportunity to explore the world out there and learn what life skills and Spanish Spain could teach me...but then again I'm feeling nauseous because there's this other mindset where "What if I have brain farts and can't remember how to speak conversational Spanish?" So this has been a REAL STRUGGLE.
ENGLAND. First of all English is my second language and I guess I can say the if I went to England there really wouldn't be a point in going because they also speak English. But one point of me wants to go there just because they do speak English so I can easily talk with them and also experience a new culture and I think it would be cool to come back with a British accent!
AHH all the choices are great! But in the mean time I can't decide at this point in time so I will ponder and eat my pretzel sticks until I can find a solution to this dilemma! But if I do decide to study abroad I would travel to all three places and stay there for a month in the summer just to experience the new culture and architecture and just sightseeing for fun! :)
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